A Minimal Zsh Git Setup

23 November 2021

This how I setup my Git configuration on a Mac M1 device with Zsh. A reference for my future self.

Since switching to an Mac M1 device earlier this year my old dotfiles didn't work anymore. Apart from X86 => Arm, Mac OS also ships with Zsh as the default shell instead of Bash since a while back. Instead of attempting to migrate my entire setup I decided to use a vanilla configuration for a few months to really identify the annoynances of my daily git usage. Here's what I ended up really missing:

User configuration

Like many, I use the same device at my job, as I do for working on personal and open source projects. For the latter, I want to use my personal credentials when doing git commits.

I use a .gitconfig file in ~ together with a .gitconfig-work and a .gitconfig-personal to fix this.

# .gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir:~/Projects/personal/"]
path = .gitconfig-personal
[includeIf "gitdir:~/Projects/work/"]
path = .gitconfig-work
# .gitconfig-personal
name = Daniel
email = daniel@my-personal-email.com
# .gitconfig-work
name = Daniel
email = daniel@my-work-email.com

To verify that you've set it up correctly. Go into a git repository and type git config user.email to verify the right user is configured for the present working directory.


In my .zshrc i a few simple git aliases, but that I type atleast 100 times per day:

alias gs="git status"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gc="git checkout"

What's nice about aliases is that you can still pass arguments that you would normally do. For example gc -b new-branch

I don't commit, push, pull or rebase as offen so I usually leave those as is.

Pushing new branches to origin

This is by far my favorite shortuct. If you're like me, you create a lot of branches locally, and then you want to push them to something like GitHub, typing git push will yield the following error:

fatal: The current branch my-new-branch has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
git push --set-upstream origin my-new-branch

Instead of copy pasting the above (which i used to do all the time), I now have a alias named gpo that does the following:

alias gpo="git push -u origin HEAD"

Edit (2024-05-21): This can now also be set to happen automatically with the push.autoSetupRemote git configuration flag.

You can set it by running git config --global --add --bool push.autoSetupRemote true in your CLI.

Minor Zsh improvements


The standard prompt looks something like this. Not very helpful.

daniel@Daniels-Mac some-project-dir %

With a few lines of configuration in .zshrc

autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd_vcs_info() { vcs_info }
precmd_functions+=( precmd_vcs_info )
setopt prompt_subst
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:* ' formats '%b '
PROMPT='%B%F{240}%1~%f%b $vcs_info_msg_0_➟'

We can make it show the current git branch (main in this example) if inside a folder with a git repository.

some-dir ➟
cd some-project-dir
some-project-dir main ➟

Atleast that saves my typing gb 50 times less a day :D


I used to think this required a big old bash script to work, but it turns out it's as easy as enabling Zsh's built in Completion system

autoload -Uz compinit && compinit

And you're done. Magic.

But what about "x" ?

The tweaks in this article adressed the things that annoyed me the most after using git for a few months without any configuration.

I know there are a million things to configure with git but I tend to stick with a simple setup these days :)

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Hi, thanks for reading!

I’m Daniel, Software Engineer from Sweden. If you have any questions regarding this article please reach out to me on Twitter. You can also find me on GitHub.

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